Thursday, June 13, 2013

Bold Steps? by Larry Lee

Education Matters

By Larry Lee

It was exciting to read recently that one of the GOP leaders of the Alabama House said, “It is time to take bold new steps and leave the broken status quo behind.”  I could not agree more.

Obviously Dr. Tommy Bice, state superintendent of education, feels the same way.  In fact, the statement of the legislator echoes what Bice said last winter when speaking to the legislative education budget committees.  “We have bold plans and high expectations of everyone involved in public education,” Bice told committee members.

So when are we going to start with these “bold steps?”

This last legislative session would have been a great time, especially considering that Dr. Bice, along with lots of help from many people, has put together an excellent outline of what our public education needs are in his Plan 2020.

What sets this plan apart from so many others is that it truly takes a comprehensive look at education by focusing on all the areas that must be addressed if we’re to have quality education in quality schools being led by quality educators. 

It details priorities and objectives in four areas: 1) students, 2) support systems, 3) education personnel and 4) schools and systems.  Of these, the recognition that attention must be paid to factors that impact students outside the classroom is especially significant.  Each day 150,000 Alabama students attend a school where there is at least an 80 percent poverty rate.  These are the schools most prone to fail and these are the students who are most likely to need health care, vision screening, hearing screening, mental health counseling, etc.

Some systems are already addressing such needs.  The Florence City System has a partnership with a local mental health agency that provides counselors to schools; in Gadsden City there is a health clinic at Adams Elementary manned by a local health provider.  In many systems there are churches and non-profits that provide food for needy children for the weekend.

But filling these, and other Plan 2020 needs, takes resources.  This is why Bice’s budget proposal re-directed funding in a number of cases.  He was not asking for new money, but rather, asking to take the “bold step” of setting new priorities.

Unfortunately, no one paid much attention.

For instance, since the Alabama Reading Initiative (ARI) devotes considerable resources to professional development, the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE) asked that $10 million be shifted from ARI to a more inclusive professional development program for teachers and principals.  This was not funded, but ARI was still cut by $10 million.

Is that a “bold new step?”

They asked for $5 million to work with family resource centers to provide more of the critical support system needs of high poverty students.  Again, they got ZERO.

Another “bold new step?”

They asked for $19.1 million to cut class sizes and restore lost teacher units.  ZERO again.

Again, a missed opportunity for a “bold new step.”

They asked to restore funding for textbooks to $75 per student, as it was in 2008.  Instead, this was level funded at last year’s rate of $31.50.

How in the world do you underfund textbooks and claim you are taking “bold new steps?”

About 360,000 kids ride buses each school day.  The actual cost of providing transportation is $323 million.  But the state only funded $304, leaving a hole of $19 million.

So evidently leaving rural school systems to pay for things the state is supposed to pay for is considered a “bold new step.”  The same can be said for setting aside funding for controversial new programs professional educators did not support, while not increasing support for proven programs such as the Alabama Math & Science Technology Initiative (AMSTI) and the distance learning program.

Yes, we need “bold new steps.” But we need to do more than talk about doing so.  You can’t run a bus on political “spin,” or reduce class sizes or buy textbooks.  Dr. Bice and the State Board of Education have the plan in place to move our schools forward.  They just need help from the folks controlling the purse strings--help that was woefully lacking this year.

Larry Lee led the study, Lessons Learned from Rural Schools, and is a long-time advocate for public education and frequently writes about education issues.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Huckabee Supports CCSS

June 4, 2013

Contact: ExcelinEd Press Office
Governor Mike Huckabee: Join Me in Supporting
Common Core Standards

WASHINGTON, DC – As states across the nation raise the bar on academic standards for American students, the Foundation for Excellence in Education announces that former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee sent the following letter to Oklahoma lawmakers, urging the continued bold adoption of rigorous Common Core State Standards in schools:

Dear Oklahoma Lawmakers:

As a conservative who served as governor for a state that shares the values of the very Oklahomans you represent, I’m writing to encourage you to resist any attempt to delay implementation of the improved standards adopted by your State Board of Education in 2010. Many of you voted in favor of these standards in 2010. You were right to stand for these improved standards then and you are right to stand for these improved standards still today.

These standards, known as Common Core State Standards, have been near and dear to my heart since I served as Governor of your neighboring state of Arkansas. And it’s disturbing to me there have been criticisms of these standards directed by other conservatives including the RNC. The truth of the matter is, these criticisms are short-sighted.

Like many of you, I’ve heard the argument these standards “threaten local control” of what’s being taught in Oklahoma classrooms. Speaking from one conservative to another, let me assure youthis simply is not true. States and local school districts will determine how they want to teach kids, what curriculum to use, and which textbooks to use.

These Common Core State Standards evolved as governors and state leaders were talking about what we could do together to raise standards--not a Washington solution, but avoluntary effort on the part of the leaders of the states. In fact, conversations about these standards began long before President Obama occupied the White House.

Common Core State Standards are a state driven solution to address the large number of high school graduates who have to take remedial courses in college. In your state of Oklahoma, six out of every ten students who go to college need remedial courses. That’s a lot of money being thrown out of the window by families who’ve worked hard to be able to send their child to college. Imagine finding out your child’s ACT test score wasn’t high enough to get her into college, or that she if she did get in, ended up taking two semesters worth of classes that don’t count toward her college degree. That means you’re paying university prices for what your child was supposed to learn for free in high school.

From an economic and workforce development perspective, these standards are critical. Innovation driving the successful companies in Oklahoma requires them to have the best people. That means having an education system that consistently delivers a quality education so that every child graduates high school prepared for college and career. These standards ensure Oklahoma remains competitive in the race to attract companies with the highest paying jobs for Oklahomans that deserve nothing less. Not only do these standards help the Oklahoma economy, they also help the families serving our country. Children of military families will not fall behind when their parents, who've chosen to defend our freedom, are asked to move from Fort Benning, Georgia to Fort Sill in Lawton or Vance Air force base in Enid.

I hope you’ll join me and other conservatives, including many Oklahoma parents, educators and business leaders, in making it known these standards are valuable for our future. They’re not something to be afraid of; indeed they are something to embrace.


Governor Mike Huckabee

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To view the this letter online, please visit

To learn more about the Foundation for Excellence in Education, the movement to dramatically raise academic standards and the Common Core State Standards Initiative, please visit

TheFoundation for Excellence in Education is igniting a movement of reform, state by state, to transform education for the 21st century economy. Excellence in Action, the organization’s flagship initiative, is working with lawmakers and policymakers to advance education reform across America. Learn more athttp://excelined.us4.list