Saturday, May 4, 2013

Social Justice is Bad?

Working Draft

So Let Me Get This Straight....
Social Justice,  Women's Rights, and  Environmentalism are Now Bad?  

I'm really confused, and I need some clarification, as does just about everyone I've spoken to about this topic.  We keep hearing from some conservative groups that President Obama and other "liberals" are trying to push social justice, women's rights, and environmentalism down our children's throats through the "Common Core Initiative" and that the media is doing the same to the general public. 

I think I've already addressed how math and English standards can't possibly indoctrinate our students with anything, other than good grammar and math skills.  Feel free to visit my other blog posts for more of my thoughts on that. 

However for tonight,  I did want to explore what propels folks to suddenly abhorre social justice, women's rights, and environmentalism.  I just don't get it.  I've done a  little research and engaged in some twitterfests, just to glean some information and perspective, but all I've come to learn is that it basically  all boils down to this....

Social Justice = Socialism

Women's Rights = Abortion

Environmentalism = Al Gore


I could be wrong, but when I think of "social justice," I think of men like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.......not Adolph Hitler.   Social justice, in a nutshell, simply means that we are all treated fairly and look out for each other.  It does not mean socialism, not unless the term has taken some new double meaning. 

I'm Methodist,  and I know from its founding, Methodism was a Christian social justice movement. Under John Wesley's direction, Methodists became leaders in many social justice issues of the day.  Wesley himself was among the first to preach for slaves' rights.  

The Bible is full of social justice parables and verses.  As a matter of fact, even the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops outlines the "Seven Principles of Christian Social Justice."  Some key points: 

  • Every person is made in the image and likeness of God, and hence every human life is sacred and has an inherent dignity.
  • The family is the central social institution, and must be supported and strengthened. 
  •  Every person in turn has a responsibility to each other, to their family, and to the larger society to assure that these rights are preserved and protected for all. 
  •  Every person has a right to productive work, to decent and fair wages, to organize and form unions, to private property, and to economic initiative. 
  • We are our brothers' and sisters' keepers, wherever they live. 
  • We are one human family. "Loving our neighbor" has global dimensions in an interdependent world. 
So one more time, why is social justice bad?


Just because we support women's rights doesn't mean we're feminists or condone abortion.  Let's all remember that it hasn't even been 100 years since women couldn't vote. Wives were once considered their husband's property, just like  the horses in the barn. Since the 19th Amendment in 1919, women have enjoyed the right to vote, thanks to the many "suffagettes" (and men) who fought to make that happen.   For years before and after that time, few women were highly educated or for those who were, they rarely received a comparable salary to their male counterparts. Legislation has improved that issue as well. 

As a Christian Conservative,  I, along with millions of others, do not believe that a woman's right is to deny the life of  an unborn, defenseless child. Many pro-abortion, or "pro-choice," individuals feel differently.  However, just because they claim abortion is a woman's right, the historical fight to level the playing for women should not be impugned. Furthermore, it's important that our students know how far women have come.  


Yep, we are familiar with Al Gore's fascination with environmentalism, especially the climate.  There has been a lot discussion about his claims and motives,  some good and some bad.  Just because liberal-minded people speak up for the environment doesn't mean we shouldn't all be participants in a greater, greener Earth.  

I've seen tweets where people actually complained that their children's schools were celebrating Earth Day, Go Green Day, and/or the Great American Cleanup because these schools were trying to indoctrinate their children with liberal ideals.  Seriously?

Apparently, these folks didn't grow up with parents like mine, who scolded me for leaving the lights on when I left a room, or God forbid, litter.  To this day, you will never see me drop a speck of litter because my parents instilled such a love and respect for the world I live in.  I've turned that around, I hope, with my children and students. 

Taking care of our environment is a good thing, people.  We want to leave the place a little better than we found it (or at least as good) for our future generations.  Just because you turn the water off when you brush your teeth doesn't mean you're a left-winged liberal.  

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